Prep Your Path

Prep Your Path

Anne Finnegan Anne Finnegan
Career Coach, MBA, CPRW

(914) 249-9280

Prep Your Path

Request a Complimentary 20-Minute Telephone or Email Consultation



Navigate Your Early Career Journey
If you're a student, recent graduate, or young professional, Anne Finnegan can help you increase their chances of college or graduate school admittance and job search success by gaining a competitive edge with top-notch tools and skills and the tried-and-true Prep Your Path Method™.

Crafting a career path and life your desire won’t happen by accident — it requires focus, dedication, and commitment. With Anne's expertise, method, and insights, you'll be better equipped to get started in your career search — and to get ahead fast. In the process of working with Anne, you'll boost capabilities, connections, and confidence — and cultivate a positive mindset. This includes learning how to clarify opportunities, differentiate yourself from the crowd, and pitch your unique brand value to your audience. 

And with this solid foundation, you'll be better able to navigate the world of human resources professionals, hiring managers, admissions counselors, and Applicant Tracking Software (ATS) systems. This also means you'll be able to take control of your career journey, and avoid costly mistakes you didn't know you were making so you can get more interviews, have better interviews, and obtain more offers. 

Develop Top-Notch Tools and Skills
Career-search tools and skills are the building blocks of the career search process. Tools are applications or materials that allow you to excel in reaching your objectives. Skills are the competencies you have that enable you to reach your goals. The right tools and skills help you interview, network, and submit applications online in the most compelling manner possible. The essential tools and skills for career search success are:

LinkedIn Profile
Application Essays
Personal Branding
Interview Prep
Action Plans
Career Navigation

Using the right career-search tools and skills increases your chances of success because it helps you to show and tell your audience you're capable and motivated. 

Apply the Tried-and-True Prep Your Path Method™
A method is a way of managing tasks according to a specific plan to achieve a desired outcome. A method is not about luck or inspiration — it's about using a framework to plot and chart a course so you can navigate your way. The Prep Your Path Method™ helps you interview, network, and submit online career search applications by following a series of clear-cut steps in the most productive way possible. The five steps of the Prep Your Path Method™ are:

Visualize Success
Develop Objectives and Strategies
Clarify Your Personal Brand Value
Show and Tell Your Unique Story
Generate Momentum

1. Visualize Success: Imagine your ideal life, including your educational and professional career goals. Before you can believe in your goals, you must first be able to see them. Make sure your goals are SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

2. Develop Objectives and Strategies: Determine where you are and what's important for reaching your long-term, mid-term, and short-term goals, and your immediate objectives. Identify opportunities that align with your objectives, skills, and interests. Research career paths, organizations, and job postings on the internet. Create an action plan.

3. Clarify Your Personal Brand Value: Determine your personal brand value to your target audience by taking an inventory of your experiences, credentials, and potential. This includes your benefits, features, and skills, including specific and transferable skills: leadership, analysis, and communication. Prepare to create written materials and interview by developing your pitch.

4. Show and Tell Your Unique Story: Take control of your narrative. Target your audience with a customized message by incorporating your personal brand value and pitch into your written materials, including your resumes, letters, LinkedIn profile, and essay applications.

5. Generate Momentum: Work with people who will support you in your search for opportunities and interviews. Put in the required time and effort. The more you get involved, the more likely you are to take control of your early career journey.

Using the right career search methodology helps you increase your chances of success because it allows you to reach your goals efficiently and effectively.

Get Started
Career coaching usually begins with resume writing services since developing a top-notch resume that makes a great first impression is a vital first step in the career-search process. Without a resume, you generally can't even compete for a spot in an organization, and without a top-notch resume, you run the risk of being eliminated from contention altogether.

Prior to working with Anne, you'll receive a complimentary 20-minute telephone or email consultation to review your goals, experiences, skills, value to others, and next steps — and current resume and LinkedIn profile if you have them. After receiving your resume(s) from Anne, you may then move forward with the interviewing, networking, and online application process — or receive other career-coaching services as needed.

Service begins once you have provided a nonrefundable deposit by credit card, with final payment due on project completion. Alternatively, you may choose to remit full payment, including the nonrefundable deposit, by Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, or credit card.


One "core" and up to two "targeted"
Includes 1½ 
hours of career coaching

One "core" and up to two "targeted"
Includes 1½ hours of career coaching

Up to 10 years of experience or returning to work
One "core" and up to two "targeted"
Includes 1½ hours of career coaching

Includes a LinkedIn Profile

Incorporates up to 2-3 years of new experiences

About Resumes
A resume is a self-marketing document that summarizes your personal brand value, including your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. The purpose of a resume in a career search is to optimize the interviewing and networking process by taking control of your narrative.

Your resume is your entry point and the first impression you make on an organization. Resumes help employers and admissions counselors make interviewing and hiring decisions. A well-crafted resume increases your chances of career search success because it helps you get your first interview, and it helps you have a better interview too.

An outstanding resume communicates your self-marketing pitch, including your standing (who you are), features (your unique combination of skills, experiences, and interests), and benefits (what you've accomplished or are capable of accomplishing for others).

Resume Development Process
Anne Finnegan helps you gain a competitive edge by developing top-notch resumes that effectively and accurately present you professionally to others. By carefully identifying the best content, format, and design, Anne creates and edits resumes until you're 100% satisfied.

Using one of three designs (traditional, transitional, or modern), Anne writes up to three meticulously crafted, eye-catching resumes — one “core” resume suitable for any opportunity and up to two “targeted” resumes for specific ones. You'll need a core resume to be ready to seize a new opportunity at a moment's notice. However, you may want to develop some targeted resumes too. Developing a "targeted" resume for a particular career objective may increase your chances of success because it highlights information relevant to the position you seek, and it allows you to customize your message for your audience.

You receive resumes in Microsoft Word and PDF within seven days, on average, of contacting Anne. Having PDF and Word formats allows both immediate use (in Word or PDF) and future independent editing by you (in Word). The resume development process includes:

1) A complimentary 20-minute telephone consultation to review your objectives, experiences, and current resume and LinkedIn profile if you have them, as well as comparable resume samples

2) A 30-minute to 1-hour telephone session to review Draft #1 of your resume

3) 3-5 rounds of minor editing by email, including professional proofreading services

Anne begins each resume with a concise profile statement that shows your audience you're accomplished and motivated. Next, she places all relevant content into a well-thought-out format and writes well-crafted bullet points that pique the interest of your audience by highlighting your skills and accomplishments. She helps you deliver a resume that incorporates the design elements necessary for a professional document, including typeface selection, emphasis (bold, italic, and underline), and white space. You also benefit from having an independent professional proofreader triple-check your resume for accuracy, grammar, and spelling.

Getting Started 
Simply contact Anne to review your goals, experiences, skills, value to others, and next steps, and provide a nonrefundable deposit of $95. You may also review the Client Contract Agreement below which you are not required to sign.

Please note that if you do not wish to proceed with resume development after reviewing the first draft, Anne agrees to terminate the project while retaining the deposit, and if the work was initiated with full payment, refund the difference. 


One "core" and up to two "targeted"

About Letters
A letter is a document and a formal method of communication between two or more people. The purpose of a letter in a career search is to optimize the interviewing and networking process by taking control of your narrative.

An effective letter communicates your self-marketing pitch, including your standing (who you are), features (your unique combination of skills, experiences, and interests), and benefits (what you've accomplished—or are capable of accomplishing—for others). The three elements that affect the quality of your letters are content, format, and design.

Letter Development Process
Anne Finnegan helps you gain a competitive edge by developing top-notch letters that effectively and accurately present you professionally to others. Using one of three design formats (traditional, transitional, or modern) to coordinate with your resume, Anne creates and edits letters until you're 100% satisfied.

This service includes up to three meticulously crafted, eye-catching custom letters—one “core” letter suitable for any opportunity and up to two “targeted” letters for specific ones. A targeted letter highlights information relevant to a particular career objective. Using a "targeted" letter may increase your chances of success because it allows you to customize your message for your audience. You also benefit from having an independent professional proofreader triple-check your resume for accuracy, grammar, and spelling.

You receive your letters in Microsoft Word and PDF within 3-7 days, on average, of contacting Anne. Having PDF and Word formats allows both immediate use (Word or PDF) and future independent editing by you (Word). The development process includes: 

1) A complimentary 20-minute telephone consultation to review your objectives, experiences, and current resume and letter if you have them, and a review of comparable letter samples

2) A 30-minute telephone session after you review Draft #1 of your letter

3) 3-5 rounds of minor editing by email, including outside professional proofreading services

Getting Started
Simply contact Anne to review your goals, experiences, skills, value to others, and next steps, and provide a nonrefundable deposit of $95.

Included with a Young Professional Resume
Additional $100 only with a College or High School Resume 

About LinkedIn Profiles
A LinkedIn profile is a member's profile page on the LinkedIn social networking website. With over 575 million users worldwide and 260 million active monthly accounts, LinkedIn is the most popular social networking website designed specifically for the business community. The site allows registered users to create their own profiles so they can make professional connections. The purpose of a LinkedIn profile in the career search is to optimize the interviewing and networking process by taking control of your narrative.

LinkedIn Profile Development Process
Anne Finnegan helps you gain a competitive edge by creating a top-notch LinkedIn profile so you can present yourself professionally to others. First, she helps you clarify your objectives and strategies by reviewing personal branding and comparable profiles. Next, she develops 1) your personalized URL; 2) your headline, summary, and experience statements; and 3) a list of up to 50 skills that are consistent with your competencies and goals. Finally, she reviews your photo, LinkedIn background photo, endorsements, recommendations, and future networking strategies.

Anne develops and edits your LinkedIn profile until you're 100% satisfied. You receive your profile within 1-3 days, on average, of contacting Anne. You also benefit from having an independent professional proofreader triple-check your resume for accuracy, grammar, and spelling. The development process includes:

1) A complimentary 20-minute telephone consultation to review your objectives, current LinkedIn profile and resume if you have them, and to review comparable LinkedIn profile samples

2) A 30-minute telephone session after you review Draft #1 of your profile

Getting Started
Simply contact Anne to review your goals, experiences, skills, value to others, and next steps, and provide a nonrefundable deposit of $95.


About Application Essays
An application essay or admissions essay, sometimes called a personal statement or a statement of purpose, is a written statement created by an applicant. The purpose of an application essay in a career search is to optimize the admissions or hiring process by taking control of your narrative.

An application essay generally communicates your self-marketing pitch, including your standing (who you are), features (your unique combination of skills, experiences, and interests), and benefits (what you've accomplished—or are capable of accomplishing—for others). The three elements that affect the quality of your essay are content, format, and design.

Essay Development Process
Anne Finnegan helps you gain a competitive edge by editing your application essay for college or graduate school admittance or job search success so you can present yourself professionally to others.

Anne guarantees 100% satisfaction by developing and editing your essay until you're 100% satisfied. You receive your essay in Microsoft Word and PDF within 3-7 days of contacting Anne on average. The development process includes a complimentary 20-minute telephone consultation to review your objectives and current resume and LinkedIn profile if you have them.

The editing process varies depending on each client's individual needs and the length of the essay. You also benefit from having an independent professional proofreader triple-check your resume for accuracy, grammar, and spelling. Fees in general are $.10 character including spacing or $.30 per word: 

>   less than 300 words (1,875 characters with spaces): $125
>   300 words (1,875 characters with spaces) to 399 words: $145
>   400 words (2,500 characters with spaces) to 499 words: $195
>   500 words (3,125 characters with spaces) to 599 words: $245
>   600 words (3,750 characters with spaces) to 849 words: $295
>   850 words (5,300 characters including spaces): $395

Getting Started
Simply contact Anne to review your goals, experiences, skills, value to others, and next steps, and provide a nonrefundable deposit of $95.


Two 1½-hour sessions
Session I: Review personal branding 
Session II: Finalize your brand value

About Personal Branding
Your personal brand identity is how your audience perceives you, including your unique combination of skills, experiences, qualifications, attributes, and beliefs. Just as companies rely on branding for their business success, you need to develop a personal brand for your own career success. The purpose of personal branding in a career search is to optimize the interviewing and networking process by taking control of your narrative.

Your elevator pitch and tell-me-about-yourself pitch are essential tools for your personal branding strategy. An elevator pitch—also known as an elevator speech—is a quick synopsis of your background, including your standing (who you are), features (your unique combination of skills, experiences, and interests), and benefits (what you've accomplished—or are capable of accomplishing—for others). It's called an elevator pitch because it should be short enough to convey all the necessary information during a brief 30-60 second elevator ride. A tell-me-about-yourself pitch is an expanded 2-3 minute elevator pitch that is used in interviewing. It focuses on what makes you a qualified candidate for the position you seek, and it must be tailored to each specific opportunity.

Personal Branding Development Process
Anne Finnegan helps you gain a competitive edge by clarifying or creating a top-notch personal brand image so you can present yourself professionally to others. First, she helps you identify 1) your skills and value; 2) what makes you unique; and 3) how you want your audience to view you. Then she develops your oral and written elevator pitch and tell-me-about-yourself pitch, including a few variations if necessary.

This process includes a complimentary 20-minute telephone consultation and two 1½-hour sessions by telephone or in-person at the library in Rye or Harrison, NY, Greenwich, CT, or New York City. You receive your personal brand summary and pitches within 2-3 days, on average, of contacting Anne.

Getting Started
Simply contact Anne to review your goals, experiences, skills, value to others, and next steps, and provide a nonrefundable deposit of $95. 

Two 1½-hour sessions
Session I: Review action planning
Session II: Finalize your action plans

About Action Plans
An action plan is a sequence of steps that you must take to reach your goal. The purpose of developing action plans in a career search is to create a road map so you can optimize the interviewing and networking process by taking control of your process.

Action Plan Development Process
Anne Finnegan helps you gain a competitive edge by creating top-notch action plans so you can present yourself professionally to others. First, she helps you clarify your objectives, strategies, self-marketing materials, tasks, and timetables. Then she shows you how to research, plan, and coordinate self-marketing materials so you can stay on track and better manage your time.

This process includes a complimentary 20-minute telephone consultation and two 1½-hour sessions by telephone or in-person at the library in Rye or Harrison, NY, Greenwich, CT, or New York City. You receive your action plans within 2-3 days, on average, of contacting Anne.  

Getting Started
Simply contact Anne to review your goals, experiences, skills, value to others, and next steps, and provide a nonrefundable deposit of $95.

Two 1½-hour sessions
Session I: Review interview prep
Session II: Mock interview

About Interview Prep
An interview is an exchange in which one or more people question another person to gain insights. The purpose of preparing for interviews in a career search is to optimize the interviewing and networking process by taking control of your narrative.

Interview Prep Development Process
Anne Finnegan helps you gain a competitive edge by providing top-notch interview prep so you can present yourself professionally to others. First, she reviews communication skills (verbal, nonverbal, and tone of voice), etiquette, attire, researching, planning, and your resumes, letters, essay applications, and LinkedIn profile. Next she helps you clarify your objectives and strategies and shows you how to market yourself to your audience by identifying your personal brand value and crafting your tell-me-about-yourself, including your standing (who you are), features (your unique combination of skills, experiences, and interests), and benefits (what you've accomplished—or are capable of accomplishing—for others). Finally, Anne reviews the top 25 interview questions and answers, and then she conducts a mock interview.

This process includes a complimentary 20-minute telephone consultation and two 1½-hour sessions by telephone or in-person at the library in Rye or Harrison, NY, Greenwich, CT, or New York City. You complete your interview prep within 2-3 days, on average, of contacting Anne.

Getting Started
Simply contact Anne to review your goals, experiences, skills, value to others, and next steps, and provide a nonrefundable deposit of $95. 

Each 1-hour session: Explore, launch, or navigate

About Career Navigation
Career navigation facilitates the identification and organization of knowledge, opportunities, tools, skills, and other factors needed to help individuals make informed decisions about which path to take, and build actionable, achievable plans. The purpose of receiving navigation coaching when undertaking a career search is to optimize the interviewing and networking process by taking control of your narrative and journey.  .

Career Navigation Development Process
Anne Finnegan helps you gain a competitive edge by providing top-notch career coaching services so you can present yourself professionally to others. First, she shows you how to develop objectives and strategies that work best with your particular goals. Then she helps you achieve your objectives by guiding you to explore, launch, and navigate your search.

You receive career coaching services within 1-2 days, on average, of contacting Anne. You may schedule a one-time session or as many sessions as you need. The coaching process includes a complimentary 20-minute telephone consultation and a 1-hour session by telephone or in-person at the library in Rye or Harrison, NY, Greenwich, CT, or New York City.

Getting Started
Simply contact Anne to review your goals, experiences, skills, value to others, and next steps, and provide a nonrefundable deposit of $95. 

Prep Your Path
Optimize Career Search Outcomes

Prep Your Path Client Contract Agreement


"Anne was extremely helpful in creating a professional and concise resume for my job search. She put in the necessary time to learn about my current role and help me choose the right pieces to highlight in my resume. I do not think I would have gotten the same interviews without Anne's help!"

M. E., University of Virginia